Getting into the Digital Media Industry with Paige Cupelis

On Tuesday, October 12th, MCMP was joined by A+E Advertising Sales Assistant, Paige Cupelis. Before graduating from Michigan in 2019 with a degree in Communications, Paige held several internships which helped pave her career path. She recognized that many college students feel pressure to have multiple internships at large corporations, which can be a significant source of stress. Paige shared that transferable skills she gained from her time as a camp counselor, as well as her internships at ORT America and MO Marketing & PR, have really helped guide her through her professional career. Interning at a smaller boutique firm allowed Paige the opportunity to explore both the PR and marketing sides of the company. Though she was originally leaning toward pursuing a career in PR, her experience at MO brought Paige to the realization that she preferred marketing.

Submitting her resume on LinkedIn, Paige secured a position at A+E Advertising Sales. Working with Chicago-based account executives, Paige managed day-to-day monitory content, providing delivery updates and communicating with ad agencies after deals were locked in. A good mix of business and media, she had the opportunity to work with companies such as Kraft, Starbucks, Mattel, and Amazon. When advertisements ran, it was crucial to monitor if predicted impressions were accurate and adjust the company’s advertising plan if there were discrepancies. Valuable skills were learned regarding how to determine budgets and get the largest return for dollars spent.

Paige recently began a new role at Matterkind, switching to the digital agency side of advertising. It is common for people to switch from agency to network, and one can learn a lot about agency versus network differences in the process. Paige’s latest project is with Aldi--working on airing ads targeted to specific audiences on platforms including Hulu, Roku, and YouTube.

Offering interviewing advice from the hiring side, Paige listed four tips for members going through the interview process. First, do your research! When interviewing at A+E, a question about applicants’ favorite television show was asked, and Paige remembered many would give answers from a competitor network. Second, do not be afraid to be ambitious! Especially at the entry-level, do not shy away from applying for positions you do not feel qualified for. Third, emphasize transferable skills! Skills gained during her time as a camp counselor and managing social media at a local restaurant have been influential in Paige’s interviewing and career success. Finally, always send a follow-up or thank you after your interview. This seemingly small gesture goes a long way with interviewers and companies.

Sharing other valuable career advice with MCMP members as they begin internships and job searches, Paige emphasized that you should not feel shy about reaching out to alumni through LinkedIn or email. She advised that it can be very helpful to hear about others’ career paths and experiences. Paige also stressed that it is okay not to know what you want to do right away. No one has it completely figured out, even if it appears so. Your first job will most likely not be your dream job, but will act as a stepping stone to learn crucial skills that will get you to that next level or position.

Thank you again to Paige for her time spent with MCMP and the valuable insight she shared! Join us Tuesday, October 26, at 6:30 pm to hear from Danielle Schostak, Social and Community Manager at Calibrate.

October 11, 2021 by Nina Fazio

Perseverance with Danielle Schostak
