Advice and Insights from Rebecca Rothbart

Last Tuesday, MCMP welcomed Rebecca Rothbart, an Integrated Strategy Manager at Yahoo! An MCMP alum, Rebecca spoke about her journey after graduation, her current role, and offered thoughtful advice to our members. Interning at Nickelodeon led Rebecca to her post-graduation work, where she held many positions including working as a Partner Marketing Department Assistant, Sponsorships Coordinator, and Brand Sales Coordinator. After leaving Viacom, Rebecca began her current role at Yahoo! presenting directly to clients, brands, and agencies and utilizing digital advertising and unique data in her work.

Integrated marketing is based on the idea that marketing is more impactful when it surrounds something customers already love. Focusing on generating stronger brand affinity, integrated marketing combines multiple tactics in one campaign. Rebecca explained the role of the integrated marketing team is to pitch and create partnership campaigns to help brands reach their target audience at the right time. On a typical day, Rebecca is found creating pitch deck presentations for finance clients, setting up the “why” of campaigns, and strategizing. Throughout her career, Rebecca has learned the importance of making oneself invaluable, bringing her honest self to work, and creating meaningful personal connections.

Rebecca shared key interview advice with MCMP members. First, she emphasized the importance of nailing your story. Rebecca touched on how important it is to practice for “tell me about yourself” interview questions, and how incorporating personal details can elevate one’s story. She advised to always use buzzwords pulled from job descriptions and always send a follow-up thank you afterward. Shifting to advice on what members can do now, Rebecca encouraged members to check in with their connections, especially with the approaching holiday season. She also spoke about the importance of taking informational interviews seriously and being specific with what you want to get out of them. Rebecca advocated for the dedication of time to one’s interests. Personal interests are unique talking points that can help you stand out from other applicants. Finally, she reminded members to be patient and open-minded. Everything in life is a stepping stone and it is important to recognize how different positions contribute to your future.

With the ongoing pandemic, Rebecca also offered advice on how to succeed in a remote work environment. She emphasized the need to be brave and let your personal brand shine through. Maintaining a positive outlook while recognizing the limitations of one’s position is also key. Rebecca spoke about how it is healthy and okay to keep a separation between one’s personal and work lives, and it is up to oneself how invested he or she wants to get. She concluded by talking about how Slack is her best friend. When using Slack, she said it is important to be candid while still ensuring your communication has the same clarity as an email would.

Concluding with an open Q&A session, Rebecca fielded questions about cover letters, the importance of taking classes that both interest you and are related to your intended career, and pacing yourself through the recruiting and hiring process.

MCMP is so thankful for the time Rebecca spent with us and the valuable insight she shared. Join us Wednesday, December 8, to hear from Danielle Jacobson, Coordinator, Alternative Programming, Digital Media, Licensing and Branding at A3 Artists Agency!

—— November 16, 2021 by Nina Fazio


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