Resources for Communication Majors on Campus

The School of Literature, Science, and the Arts provides multiple resources to help the Communication and Media Studies students at the University of Michigan succeed. Arguably the two most important resources are the Communication & Media Department and its website. First off, the Communication & Media Department is located in North Quad on South State Street in room 5370. Here you can meet with one of the two peer advisors, Brooklyn Blevins and Sreya Sista, or one of the three department advisors, Sofia Carlsson, Fatima Al-zeheri, or Faith Sparr. Virtual advising appointments are also available. 

Students will also gather in North Quad to attend major declaration ceremonies, career exploration events, and more! These events can be found in more detail on the Communications Department website. Similarly, the website includes information on shadowship programs, workshops, and field trips. The shadowship programs are for declared COMM juniors and seniors that want to expand their networks and learn about different industries. These programs are short internship-like experiences that students apply to. Additionally, the workshops offered can increase students' ability to make connections through a range of sessions on topics like resumé building, LinkedIn, and practicing for interviews. Finally, the field trips are to take students directly into the working world and showcase industry professionals’ working days. The field trips can be organized by student organizations like MCMP. 

MCMP, or Michigan Communication and Media Professionals, is definitely a great resource to continue to utilize. MCMP hosts events where both alumni and non-Michigan alum are brought in to speak about their career journey. MCMP works with top companies to bring a variety of communications fields to the members. The student organization also hosts course guide events and connects members in the same classes with each other. Other student organizations include the Society of Professional Journalists, WOLV TV, The Michigan Daily, and WCBN-FM Radio. 

A great opportunity for Communication and Media Studies students to further their studies is to study abroad. The Communication and Media Department has many options for students wanting to go abroad and can be accommodating if a COMM major decides to study elsewhere. Department advisor Sofia Carlsson is the go-to person for any questions, comments, or concerns when inquiring about study abroad opportunities. 

Another great opportunity for students is internships. The Communications Department cannot place students in internships, but it can help notify students of recent available internships and information on resources at Michigan for those interested in more hands-on help. 

For more information, visit the department website

—- Kristina Gurgone, October 2022


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