Kindness and Professionality with Hannah Schiff

Hannah Schiff kicked off day two of the MCMP Summit with a positive attitude and a lot to share.  A few years ago, Hannah was in our shoes, studying Communications and Media with a minor in Writing at the University of Michigan.  She was even President of MCMP (formerly known as MACS) during her senior year! After graduation, Hannah knew she had interests in entertainment, fashion, and marketing.  Those passions took her through her positions at Clique, The Hollywood Reporter, Billboard, and finally to her current position at Free People Movement.  In her role as marketing manager, she gets to combine her interests of fashion and marketing while engaging with her creative side.

“Keep in touch with people you work for and with,” Hannah shared with MCMP.  It is important to utilize network connections because there is always a possibility it could lead to something new.  Hannah landed her role at Free People Movement through her former boss from Clique.  Her story emphasizes how every step in a career journey happens for a reason.  Hannah did have some hesitation when stepping into this new position. Previously, she had worked in media marketing; now, she was transitioning to marketing for a brand.  She reassured us that marketing is a transferable skill.  The tools we learn over time can be applied for all different types of roles and companies, depending on where our career takes us.  Hannah did advise us to be patient though, as “it takes time to make change.”

Hannah gave us insight into Free People Movement, a subset of the Free People brand.  Recently established as an independent brand, she was one of the first people to be hired for Free People Movement, now collaborating with a small group of co-workers.  Hannah described this unique experience as similar to a start-up within an existing company.  Nationwide, there are 23 stores, with plans to double by the end of the year.  Hannah directly manages the different marketing efforts, incorporating the core values of the brand into all campaigns.  These values include fitness, wellness, and happiness.  We enjoyed hearing about the opportunities Hannah has had through her position, such as attending monthly events and working with professional athletes.  

Throughout her professional life, Hannah has learned many lessons, which she passed on to MCMP.  As mentioned above, she really emphasized the importance of maintaining network connections, specifically by being kind and always sending a thank you note.  During interviews, Hannah highlighted ways to be prepared, such as bringing a pen and paper and preparing questions ahead of time.  Another way to prepare is to know why you are there and why you would be a good fit.  This can help someone really understand if the role or position is right for him/her.  Both in interviews and in meetings, Hannah taught us to act like a sponge by taking in everything around us.  If a co-worker asks for your help, always say yes, even if it is not in your job description.  Overall, we should always be kind, helpful, and professional, whether it is with a boss, an interviewer, or a stranger.  All of the advice Hannah graced us with will help MCMP members create meaningful connections and professional relationships.  

At the end of her presentation, Hannah answered any questions we had and also informed us about how to continue from this point.  First, we should most definitely check in with network connections! Second, we should try to make new connections and conduct informational interviews.  These can be beneficial for those trying to learn about a specific career or brand.  Third, we should make the most of our time on campus and explore our interests in many ways.  We learned to step out of our comfort zone and apply to new clubs or internships.  Even if we don’t love them, any experience is good experience and may lead to something in the future.  Finally, Hannah told us to be patient and keep trying, even when one might feel like giving up.  Hannah’s positive energy was motivation to us all! We were so appreciative to Hannah for taking the time to share both her story and encouraging advice with MCMP! 

—-February 2022, by Eden Gilan


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