The Three B’s with Josh Ehrlich

To conclude the first day of the summit, MCMP had the opportunity to hear from Josh Ehrlich. After graduating from Michigan in 2016 with a degree in Communications and Media, Josh wanted to explore his passions and discovered his love for a role involving partnerships.  His career journey includes positions at CAA, Universal Music Group, Caffeine, and Bright.  Currently, Josh works at TikTok in Brand Partnerships, Media, and Entertainment. 

TikTok is an app that many of us use daily, so it was very interesting to hear from the other side about TikTok’s popularity and what makes it different from other social media sites.  One might assume that TikTok’s competitors are other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, but that may not be the case. Netflix came out last year and publicly stated that TikTok is a major competitor to them as screen time on TikTok has skyrocketed. Because users are glued to their For You Feeds, advertisers are interested in working with TikTok to get their brands in front of millions of users.

Josh gave us some high-level insight into the different solutions brands can utilize to advertise on TikTok. The brands adopting the native look and feel of content on the platform are the ones seeing the most success. When a user is scrolling through their feed and doesn't realize they just saw an ad, that is the goal for many brands.

As we start applying to internships or begin our careers, Josh shared valuable advice, labeled “The 3 Be’s.” First, we should be curious.  We should act like sponges, absorbing new information and always trying to learn more.  We should use the resources around us, such as the media, to guide our acquisition of new knowledge and skills.  Second, it is important to be known for something.  Josh gave us the example of how his boss learned over time that he was always prepared for meetings and up to date on all current events.  When meeting with clients, he was ready to comment and ask questions on aspects of their lives.  This helped Josh gain respect from his boss and allowed him to participate in meetings.  Lastly, we should be present.  When in meetings or at work, we should be careful to not let distractions affect us.  We should enjoy the moment, not pondering on the past or thinking about the future.  

Josh ended his presentation by letting us know that TikTok is hiring for both graduate and internship positions. It was exciting to hear about how Josh has experienced the Michigan connection with co-workers throughout his professional life.  MCMP is lucky to have Josh as one of our Michigan connections who can give advice and prepare us for our future careers.

—-February 2022, by Eden Gilan


Kindness and Professionality with Hannah Schiff


Making an Impact with Evan Ketai